Saturday, December 3, 2011

School Rules #3: Walk to Class, please.

It's that time again... School Rules, or rather, for the sake of this post, how to be normal at college.  A helpful tip we will look at today is simply (or so I thought) walking to class.

Let me start by informing you that our campus takes up about 2 city blocks, and you can walk the entire campus in less than 6 minutes.  With that being said, why the heck is everyone riding Razor scooters around campus?!

A brief side note: I had that scooter when I was 7 years old... you should be embarassed right now if you use one...

My Reactions:

1. Really?!?! Are you that out of shape that your can't possibly make the trek from the cafeteria to the library?  Maybe if you weren't trying to scoot around with that cookie in your hand... 

2. Do you realize that you have to scoot around, stop to walk over the grassy knoll, then scoot on the sidewalk, stop to walk down stair, etc.  you are wasting so much time!

3. A brief look at the demographics of scooter users:
click if you need to enlarge to read, (nod head if not being able to read this made you feel old)
4. I just really want to run up to you and body check you off that scooter.  but violence is frowned up on campus...luck you for

5. BEST DAY EVER: when someone hits a rock and eats pavement...that's what you get, you scooter-rider!

I will conclude this post with a joke:  the 90's called, they want their Razor scooters back...  classic.

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