Thursday, December 15, 2011

School Rules #4: Finals

Finals have concluded here at school and I am currently writing from the airport.  I had wanted to write this post during finals week but, alas, I am enrolled in 17 credit hours and apparently they expect you to study... who knew?!

So a review of what I noticed during the week in a "Mythbusters" format, enjoy:

1. You finals are significantly more important and harder than anyone else's.  And if they already took the class, the final got harder this year.  

Logically?  NOT TRUE. I can almost guarantee you that your Humanities I, crafts, and First Year Experience have nothing on Public Relations and Reporting for Public Media...and all those other science classes...
So knock it off and enjoy easy courses while it lasts (although that scarf you took all semester to knit looks fabulous)

2. The library is the only place on campus you can study and succeed.

Well that is just completely false.  It is the LOUDEST place you can possibly go to study during finals week.. It is basically party central up in there.
So no more complaining that you spent 48732 hours in the library all week and only got a C on your exam... think about it.

3. Finals = absurd amounts of caffeine.

THEY DON'T.  bam. myth busted. your mind has just been blown.  (because of that and all the caffeine you felt the need to consume.) I absolutely love laughing at people walk around campus with shaking hands, in a cold sweat, and blood shot eyes.  ok, so that also sounds like heroine abuse or the Black Plague, but I'm 99% it was all the caffeine intake.

And I think that speaks for itself...
4. And finally, why does everyone think finals is administered by the devil who doesn't want you to enjoy your last weekend at school?

Totally false, if you get creative and make your own fun, finals can be a breeze. Just check out these pics:

when finals get too hard, lay in a hammock and spend time with some friends
Happy Christmas Break, everyone!  And lets try to stay calm, prevent stereotypes, and drink water when it is time for finals in the Spring!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Fact: people are stupid

Allow me to begin by quoting by William Shakespeare, "Lord, what fools these mortals be!" -from A Midsummer Night's Dream, obviously.

But seriously, people, let's attempt to use our brain, shall we?

Today I was driving to the grocery store, by myself (awkward), and as I am jamming out to Justin Bieber's new Christmas CD, a man walks right in front of me.  really?!

But because of my joyous mood I thought, "I'll let this slide buddy, but you're lucky I was only going 2 mph and could stop for you!"


I will repeat in case your mind was just blown: HE STOPS IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROAD TO TIE HIS SHOE!!


Who stops in front of a moving vehicle to tie their shoe?! unreal.

Which bring me to my next favorite quote by none other than Antoine Dodson (aka the Bed Intruder Song Guy)

please tell me you have seen this video

Word, Antoine.  Sometimes I think Antoine and Lil' Wayne are the only ones who understand me...

To conclude, a quote from Dwight Schrute (to be valid member of society you really should know who he is)-
"Whenever I am about to do something, I think, 'Would an idiot do that?' And if they would, I do not do that thing."

So simple. So true.

I think we can all take something valuable away from this post today; Have a great day, and remember,  don't be a moron!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

School Rules #3: Walk to Class, please.

It's that time again... School Rules, or rather, for the sake of this post, how to be normal at college.  A helpful tip we will look at today is simply (or so I thought) walking to class.

Let me start by informing you that our campus takes up about 2 city blocks, and you can walk the entire campus in less than 6 minutes.  With that being said, why the heck is everyone riding Razor scooters around campus?!

A brief side note: I had that scooter when I was 7 years old... you should be embarassed right now if you use one...

My Reactions:

1. Really?!?! Are you that out of shape that your can't possibly make the trek from the cafeteria to the library?  Maybe if you weren't trying to scoot around with that cookie in your hand... 

2. Do you realize that you have to scoot around, stop to walk over the grassy knoll, then scoot on the sidewalk, stop to walk down stair, etc.  you are wasting so much time!

3. A brief look at the demographics of scooter users:
click if you need to enlarge to read, (nod head if not being able to read this made you feel old)
4. I just really want to run up to you and body check you off that scooter.  but violence is frowned up on campus...luck you for

5. BEST DAY EVER: when someone hits a rock and eats pavement...that's what you get, you scooter-rider!

I will conclude this post with a joke:  the 90's called, they want their Razor scooters back...  classic.