Sunday, September 16, 2012

I feel like I've been slacking...

O hello there! I haven't been a very good steward of this site for like, I don't know, 8 months but... I am back for the time being!

Apparently in college it isn't super easy to make good grades, compete on an athletic team, be involved in school activities AND stay updated on your blog... weird.

Well, to keep all of my 5 readers updated on my life, I am back in beautiful Florida, and survived hurricane Isaac...thank goodness.

My summer was unusual- I had hip surgery and spent a good month doped up on meds and wearing support stocking.  honestly, i was looking gooooood.

it is almost unfair how attractive I was
After I could finally walk around we took a family vaca to the Grand Canyon...  We were your typical tourists venturing around, filing in and out of a big sight seeing bus, and taking pictures of everything...still angry I forgot to bring my fanny pack.
my mom was not impressed by the grand canyon,
don't let the smile fool you
Overall it was a pretty good summer...lots and lots of family time..but very much needed and appreciated!

Here's to hoping I can keep this site updated all lucky you would be?!